I stole this from Love Was the Egg and L Hash Jay. So out of sheer boredom and as a procrastination tool to avoid my mountain of marking, here goes:
1. Last drink→ Pineapple juice w/ a hint of ginger (Blue Skies baaaaaby!)
2. Last phone call→ The Musician (completely unexpected)
3. Last text message→ My friend's mother thanking me for my mothers' day text
4. Last song you listened to→ Melt my heart to stone- Adele
5. Last time you cried→ Last week at work. Reeeeeally embarassing.
6. Dated someone twice → Haha yes.
7. Been cheated on?→ Hell yes. See The Musician.
8. Kissed someone?→ Is this a trick question?
9. Lost someone special?→ Yes. Unfortunately more than once.
10. Been depressed?→ Yes, particularly for the majority of 2004 and 2009. 2010 will not follow these God-forsaken years!
11. Been drunk and threw up? → Yes
12. green
13. mustard
14. purple
15. black
16. Made new friends → Many different times
17. Fallen out of love → Yes
18. Laughed until you cried → Once or twice
19. Met someone who changed you → Yes
20. Found out who your true friends were → Still finding out....
21. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes and I've also heard them doing it when they thought I was asleep. Oh the joys of boarding school/ university.
22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list → No!
23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → Six
25. Do you have any pets → Nope
26. Do you want to change your name→ I did when I was about 10 but I love all my names now.
27. What did you do for your last birthday → Absolutely nothing but Friday's Afro, Afrocentric, and Nsoromma all took me out for dinner at various times during the week.
28. What time did you wake up today → 5:10 a.m
29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Watching old episodes of The Office (US Version)
30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → 2nd April. Yes just that date. I don't have to say why do I? :-p
31. Last time you saw your mother→ November but I saw my Daddy last week.
32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life →I can't limit it to one.
33. What are you listening to right now → Waving Flag byK'naan
34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Yep. Went to school with quite a number of them.
35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Smelly people who feel no way in assaulting you with their B.O. at 6 in the morning. They should be arrested under a bio-hazard act imho.
36. Most visited webpage → Google Reader and BBC
37. What's your name→ Sankofa. The real one will not be revealed on these nets :-p
38. Nicknames→ Domzy, Nanz
39. Relationship Status → Single (again)
40. Zodiac Sign ---Libra
41. Male or female or transgendered→ Female
42. Primary----- St. James'
43. Middle School → I'm not a Yank
44. High school → Again, I'm not a Yank but my secondary school was Ardingly College
45. Hair color → Brownish blackish
46. Long/medium/short → Medium
47. Height → 5"6/ 5"7 I swear it alternates between these every time I get measured
48. Do you have a crush on someone? → Not a soul at the mo. It might liven things up a bit though...
49: What do you like about yourself? → My lips I guess
50. Piercings → Many
51. Tattoos → One
52. Righty or lefty → I'm so right-handed it's not funny. I feel for my left hand sometimes.
53. First surgery --- Last year's oral surgery
54. First piercing → ears
55. First best friend → Henrietta from Madonna Primary School
56. First sport you joined → Netball
57. First pet → have never had one
58. First vacation→ does moving countries count? If it doesn't then I guess it would be Dusseldorf, Germany
59. First concert → Brighton's Party in the Park with the likes of 911, Craig David, Jamelia, Westlife (when they were called Westside) etc. Oh the days of Southern fm
60. First crush → Nathan from Isleworth
61. Eating → Waakye
62. Drinking..... Water
63. Already missing→ London shopping and cooler weather. Yes, really.
64. I'm about to → Start marking
65. Listening to → singers on American Idol
66. Thinking about → How I really need to start my marking and how I've wasted my weekend once again
67. Waiting for → Godot
68. Want kids? → Sometimes it's yes, sometimes it's no. I think I want at least one though. I think...
69. Want to get married? → Definitely
70. Careers in mind → Publishing, literary agent
71. Lips or eyes → Lips
72. Hugs or kisses → Kisses all the way. I'm not too big on hugging
73. Shorter or taller → The taller the better. Ideally 6"3/ 6"4
74. Older or Younger → Older
75. Romantic or spontaneous → Can't I have both? I guess romance lasts longer but I get bored easily...
76. Nice stomach or nice arms → Stomach
77. Sensitive or loud → After Koforidua Boy allow sensitive men, so I guess loud wins by default
78. Hook-up or relationship → The original anti-relationship girl is growing up so definitely relationships here.
79. Trouble maker or hesitant→ Trouble maker
81. Drank hard liquor → yep
82. Lost glasses/contacts → More than I can even count
83. kissed on 1st date – yes
84. Broken someone's heart → So they claim
85. Had your own heart broken → Severely bruised
86. Been arrested → Yep. The days of doing stupid things out of sheer boredom are now over (I hope)
87. Turned someone down → Yes, yes, and yes. Usually every time I had to venture out to Woolwich a.k.a "Little Lagos"
88. Cried when someone died → No
89. Liked a friend that of the same sex? → Not in that way
90. Yourself → Yes
91. Miracles → Yes but not those ones at church when the pastor is screaming prayers at you, bathing you in his spittle whilst simultaneously pushing you to fall down so you can prove you "caught" the Holy Ghost. [[[side eye]]]
92. Love at first sight → Hell no
93. Heaven → Yes
94. Santa Clause → I din't even believe in him when I was 7. Like my parents are going to allow a fat, old, white man to take the credit for their presents. KMT
95. Kiss on the first date? → Yes
96. Angels → Yes
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → Nope. If you actually get me to commit, I'm a one-man woman. If there's no explicit commitment however, well then....
99. Wish you could change things in your past?→ Yes
100. Are you posting this as 100 Truths? → I guess so
Currently listening to: Death- Nneka
A Woman, Intimacy, and Emotions
1 day ago
Ei, Sank!
This is actually truthfully answered, I've seen some of these things done and I'm like, errrrrr, u lie!
Anyhoo, I may nick it!
And I MISS YOU!!!!!!
I love these multiple question things. Always give great and interesting insights! Welcome back to the blogosphere. Was wondering where you had gone. Then again I'm a fine one to talk since I've also been on a blogging hiatus lately!
@Nsoromma Nick away because I love reading other people's too.
@Abena Serwaa I actually like filling them out too (does that make me a narcissist?). I've been avidly reading blogs but I've just been too lazy to comment. Isn't that awful?
wow, 100! soon as I saw the title I was like no way! That's pretty cool!
My favorite: #2
@Maxine You should do one. Consider yourself tagged!
@Mike Ha! That's only brought confusion and of course I'll be blogging about it.
Hahah #91 is too funny!
Great list. I dunnno if I could do all that
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